
13 ways to hold off negativity

positive thinking


I was recently in The Body Shop buying some massage oil for my hubby to use on my tired feet. And it just so happened, that when I was standing at the cashier, waiting for my credit card to process, I saw a little brochure they had on their counter. It is a Think Positive brochure, a campaign to inspire individuals to believe that by thinking positively that we can become the best versions of ourselves.

And so, I felt I needed to share some of the wonderful insights I read in this little brochure

 Rewire your brain. It’s not hard. Practise thinking positively and you’ll alter the pathways of your brain so positively becomes the norm.

♥ Learn from your mistakes. Don’t dwell on them. Take responsibility and set your mind to trying harder next time.

♥ Remember things could be worse. However low you might feel, remember that compared to some others YOU have it good.

 Don’t play the victim. Accept that shit happens. Move on.

♥ Make peace with change. It’s going to happen, whether you worry about it or not. Roll with it – things might get even better.

♥ See the beauty in everything. Embrace your sense of adventure, revel in new experiences, stop and smell the roses.

♥ Ego. Lose it.

 Be playful. Snap yourself out of unexplainable malaise by embracing playfulness and your inner-child.

 Avoid negative nellies and surround yourself with positive people. If that’s not possible, accept who they are and don’t let them bring you down.

♥ Think of it as an opportunity. Sometimes, what seems negative presents opportunities we might not have pursed otherwise.

 Row your own boat. Focus on your own efforts and personal goals – don’t get distracted by competition with others.

 Get revved up. Ensure that everyday has at least one thing you’re excited about doing.

 A smile really does make a difference – to you and whoever see you.

What do you do to inspire yourself to think more positively? 

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