Family Life Inspiration

3 simple steps to help you feel less stressed

3 simple steps to less stress

If things go wrong, don’t go with them.  ~Roger Babson

One thing I have noticed in this parenting gig of mine is the sudden shift in my own mental emotional state at various random times of the day. And it can happen just like that, with no warning.

Often it is a build up of just stuff that has happened. Whether it being the milk frother left on the kitchen counter, uncleaned and residue forming; or the five different drink cups you just happen to find throughout the house and you seem to be the only one that actually sees them; or just the constant arguments that seem to never end between the children.

It is often not fun.

And often seems overwhelming.

But I want to share with you three simple, very simple steps you can take to turn stress into bliss.

1. Just breath

Seems simple. But so effective.

A simple deep breathe has a powerful way to just calm the body down.

2. Laugh

Because often there is amazing humour in the most mundane, silly and stressful things about life.

And the random drink cups left around the house.

3. Walk away

Walk away from the situation and come back later. There is nothing worse then continuing to do something, getting more stressed and more anxious and more overwhelmed.

Step away.  Walk away. Just leave it. Come back when you just feel a little clearer.

So give it a go. Three simple steps.

p.s. I am still working on these steps myself, each day. Each moment.

What are your quick and simple de-stress tactics?

{photo credit: shewatchedthesky via photopin cc}

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  • Jodi Gibson

    This is me Tahlia! One moment everything will be going swimmingly and then one little thing can shift my mood – usually something as trivial as cups lying around the house! I really need to employ these tips more. Starting today.

  • Tatum Woodroffe

    So simple and perfect. I think this would make a great little poster not just for hubby & I as a reminder when managing our kiddos but for them too as a reminder when they are getting cranky with one another!