Family Life

5 Secrets to Raising Happy Kids.

raising happy kids

We all want our kids to be happy, but whilst there are no guarantees, there are some things we can all do to help them to grow into happy and confident adults. It can be so hard to know how to strike the balance between giving them what they want and making them happy in the short term, and raising them as decent people. Here are 5 secrets to raising happy children:

Define the boundaries.

All kids need boundaries. Decide early on, what the rules of your household are, and stick to them. Kids feel safe when they know what’s expected of them, and most kids do actually want to please their parents. Really!

Listen to your kids

They may talk about all sorts of rubbish some times, but they’re talking to you because they want you to listen to them. Because you’re their mum. Not only will they feel heard, and not have to play up to get your attention, but it will bring you closer together, and you may actually enjoy their stories.

Have fun with your kids

It only takes a moment to tickle a tummy, or tell them a joke. Do something they’re not expecting, or something silly. Kick a ball with them, jump on the trampoline (if your pelvic muscles allow), or just hang out and giggle and chat. They will love it, and so will you. Promise.

Get the atmosphere right at home

Think about the sort of atmosphere you’d like to cultivate, and what would be best for you and your kids. Then set about achieving it. It’ll be hard work at first, but it will be worth it. Aim high, but don’t expect miracles straight away.

Model happiness

You are the greatest role model in your kids’ lives, so smile and show them how to be happy, and try to be calm and relaxed in front of them… if you can.

And one last thing – saying “yes” to every demand will NOT make them happy.

What are your secrets?  How do you make your kids happy?

Check out Abi at Juggle Family and Parenting Consultancy at or on Facebook

(photo credit: daystar297 via photopin cc)

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