
just be

just be

‘New year, new you.’ Isn’t that how the saying goes? “My New Year’s resolution is…”; “In the New Year, I am going to lose all my silly season extra kilos….” Yes, I too am totally guilty for having said this at least once before in the past.

But STOP! Don’t go jumping into writing those New Year resolutions before you have reflected on your past year, your challenges, your high’s and even your lows.

One of the first things that you could try is to allow yourself permission to be happy now, in the present moment. It is about taking a look at all the wonderful things that you have around you that fill you with pride, gratitude and joy. Maybe a moment with your children, a funny conversation with your friend, or even a wonderful place you visited. Think about your top 10 amazing moments of the year, write them down, and reflect on them.

Every year I say to myself I am going to do one thing different this year; one thing that I believe will make me a better person. Maybe it is running an extra day per week, or planning my meals a little more so I am not stressed come 5pm. Or maybe it is about being in the moment, and taking more pictures of my family. There is always something I want to ‘change’.

Not once, not ever, have I said, “I just want to continue to be me. I just want to continue doing exactly what I am doing and loving life for what it is, now, this second.”

If like me, you need to plan, then plan small things. Baby steps, little steps. By having little plans you set yourself up for more realistic goals and resolutions.

So this New Year, I am not telling myself to change or be different in any way. I am telling myself to just be.

One word. Just be. 

What would your ‘one word’ be for this year? 

linking up with Maxabella Loves

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  • floodproofmum

    Those silly season extra kilos are a bugger. Love your advice to just be :)

  • Lauren @ createbakemake

    Just be – what great advice. You are right, we always seem to be wanting to change ourselves and rarely focus on just being ourselves… extra silly season kilos and all! Happy new year x

  • Deb @ home life simplified

    Happy New Year – “just be” is what is happening for me i guess in the time between moving forward – i refer to it as gliding – the whole year is not spent in the doing and changing stage – in between bursts are lots of gliding time xxx

    • the parenting files – tahlia

      I love it… gliding. So light yet powerful. x

  • Jo @

    Just be – it’s so true. We need to reflect on all the wonderful things and stop focusing on the negative and trying to improve ourselves. Love it! Thanks Tahlia Jo xx

    • the parenting files – tahlia

      I honestly believe that there is TOO much focus on trying to change and improve ourselves. There is so much around to just be grateful for. It is all just about appreciating the moments i think x

      • Jo @

        I couldn’t agree more! Jo xx

  • Lisa

    Great advice “Just be”. Hope 2014 is a wonderful year for you x

  • Jodi Gibson

    Just be sounds just right to me! Happy New Year Tahlia x

    • the parenting files – tahlia

      You too sweety xx

  • Elisa {With Grace & Eve}

    Love just be. Very powerful. And I’m defintiely writing down my top 10 amazing moments tonight xx

    • the parenting files – tahlia

      It is funny, when you write them down, they just have a whole new meaning. I did it on New Years Eve with my hubby and I think we have just started a tradition. It was really lovely. Enjoy x

  • Sam Stone

    I love that, just be! My word for 2014 is focus. I want to focus more on my family, myself and my writing! I hope that 2014 sees you just being Tahlia. xo

    • the parenting files – tahlia

      thanks Sam. I love focus. Sometimes it is so hard to focus, a simple reminder is always needed. Lots of love x