
17 fun things to do at home with the kids


I recently read a fantastic article on what to do with the kids before turning on the tv.. it got me thinking about how often I put on the tv because I may be too tired or too lazy to organise an activity. Or simply not feeling creative to do something different. So the tv will go on. guilty! Especially when I am trying to feed the young baby or prepare dinner.

My goal for this year is to do more arts and crafts. And that is exactly what we have been doing. With wonderful success of at least one hours silence and entertainment. But there are also more simple things to do and sometimes less messy. So adding onto the above list, why not:

1. Create a masterpiece out of stickers
2. Turn on some music – and have a dance
3. Sing songs
4. Plant some herbs outside
5. Do a painting
6. Paint your nails
7. Ride your bike
8. Build blocks up high
9. Make some muffins
10. Do a puzzle
11. Sort the toy buckets
12. Play dress ups
13. Make play doh
14. Build a marble run
15. Fill a bucket with water and wash some toys
16. Pick some flowers from the garden
17. Create a masterpiece

There is so much you can do with your imagination, creativity and play. Play is the best form of learning for children. The building blocks for their future. A simple tablecloth can be used as a tent, a cubby, a ‘pick a boo’ scarf, or maybe a superhero cape! It is amazing what children can do with their imagination and a little guidance along the way.

What are your fabulous things to do at home? 

Linking up with Essentially Jess


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  • Zanni, Heart Mama

    Love this Tahlia. I need to get my craft on a bit more. xx

    • tahlia @ the parenting files

      It is not easy sometimes. But they so do love it :) xx

  • Ai Sakura

    Great ideas. I should just prepare the craft sets in advance and bring them out when needed!

    • tahlia @ the parenting files

      It is the preparation that can take so much time and effort. I have a whole bunch of coloured paper and tissue paper I need to cut up into pieces for paper crafting and sticking… how long do you think it has been sitting there for…

  • Josefa @always Josefa

    These are all fabulous ideas – love the turn on the music and dance one!
    When I have no energy to play – reading a book together is a quiet easy option too xx
    Josefa from #teamIBOT

    • tahlia @ the parenting files

      If only mine would sit for the book length of time. Lately jumping on the couch while I am reading and finding some other distraction is more likely to happen. But, saying this… I did have a successful story reading this morning! Funny enough, she sits for everyone else…

  • Trish

    Bubble and make paper aeroplanes.
    Great list Tahlia.

    • tahlia @ the parenting files

      I have not made paper planes in years… I am sure there would be more super doopper ones I could learn to make then the simple ones I used to do as a kid ….

  • Shari

    What an awesome list, Tahlia – we already love doing some of these but you’ve suggested a few great ones there to try before resorting to tele! xx

    • tahlia @ the parenting files

      Enjoy Shari. Thanks for stopping by. I am on a mission to expand this list even more x

  • Emily @ Have a laugh on me

    Great list, I love the ‘clean some stuff’ – we also go and pick flower, look for birds and help mum tidy up outside!!! LOVE this post :)

    • tahlia @ the parenting files

      Thanks emily. My daughter loves to help me “clean” and wash things. Cleaning the toys is a whole other experience for her… those bath toys need a wash now that I think of it :) x

  • EssentiallyJess

    Some awesome ideas! I’m hoping to get a childs seat for the back of my bike before the holidays next week, so I can do some bike riding with the kids.
    Also loving the idea of a marble run. Must google that.

    • tahlia @ the parenting files

      That would be awesome Jess. Or how about one of those buggy carrier things and you could pull them all along… maybe a little slow :) x

  • Rina

    Fun ideas. Did some, but need to do more crafts. Thanks for sharing dear :)