Family Life

A reason to plan


Sometimes we think the day has just slipped by.

Are there not meant to be 24 hours in the day?

Where did it go? I swear there are meant to be a few more spare hours….

Running around, one appointment to the next, one meeting to the next…. no sooner has the day begun the day has ended.

6:46pm and this post is now up.

I didn’t plan today’s day. I didn’t plan ahead.

I know I needed to be taking Planning With Kids advice… plan… simple right?

Planning can reduce stress… that feeling of… “ohh crapp”…. is somewhat reduced… so I here!

So I need to plan.

My goal. Plan.

Tonight I must think what can i do before bed?

What can I plan for the day tomorrow?

I even bought a Planning work pad to help me on my journey…


So tell me, what are your tips on planning ahead? Or does that thought just not come to mins? 


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  • Jodi @ The Scribble Den

    You bring up some good points but I have recently changed the way I look at things. I was a big list maker and planner and I felt lost without having things set out for me. Now I take each day as it comes, I still have a to do list. but it is certainly less formal and of course the have to things like appointments/meetings have to be kept, but as for the rest…!
    I am amazed at how much more relaxed and less stressed I am. I am sure my kids are amazed too! And I am actually getting more done.
    If you had told me this three months ago I would have laughed.
    Funny how things work!

  • PlanningQueen

    My husband bought me a framed copy of this cartoon one year for Christmas! Thanks for linking up to my blog.

  • Pingback: 5 planning printables | theparentingfiles()

  • Veronica @ Mixed Gems

    Thanks for the reminder. I need to do way more planning. I find each week goes by and I wonder what I really achieved, other than the basics of meals and laundry. I have a list but barely dent it. I float along far too much. I need to consider the night before planning so I can wake up and launch into my day with some direction.