Every Day

How to save money on back-to-school items

back to school

The back-to-school madness has crept up on us again.

Before the school year has even begun, your credit card can often get quite a workout with all the school uniforms, stationery and other items that need to be purchased. Kids often want new pencil cases, new colouring pens, books for writing, and new school shoes are generally a must-have item too. The list and tally of expenses can very quickly become quite large.

There are a few money-saving tips and tricks that all parents can benefit from to make this period a little bit more budget-friendly. It was just the other day I saw a friend post an update on Facebook that stated she was giving away ‘excellent used condition’ school uniforms. Brilliant!

… Want to read the rest of my tips? Read the full article here. 

What are your back-to-school money saving tips? 

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  • http://www.adamandevebabywear.com.au/ Sue

    Great tips on how to save money. What I usually do is list down before going to mall to avoid impulsive buying.