I have made a mantra for myself this year. Appreciate the simple moments. Appreciate the moments around me. Yes, this year I want to notice more and capture more. So much, that I am creating a ‘everyday moment’ inspiration board and sharing community.
It is funny really, I sometimes have to force myself to notice the little things. And yet, ironically I am missing them at that exact moment. Last year it was go go go, non stop, chasing my tail kind of feeling.
I had low and down days. Dark days. Horrible days.
But I had uplifting days, inspirational, and moments that blew my mind too.
:: When my little girl began to string more then two words together.
:: My baby boy decided to crawl at an astronomical 5 months of age.
:: I learnt of every flower on the walk from my house to my cafe up the road
:: Determination grew in my daughter. And just like that she rode her bike.
:: Daddy changed the nappy of his son for the first time.
I want to notice more of these moments! I want to capture them!
So this year is going to be different. This year is the year that I am going to capture the moment a little more. And I am inspiring you to do the same.
Whether it is a photo, a message, a moment, a word or just something totally unusual, it does not matter. What ever it is, may it inspire you, uplift you and energise you. All you have to do is
How to Play?
There are so many ways to share your ‘everyday moment’ and be social:
:: Blog: Each Monday I will have a Link Up for you to share your blog post, photo, quote, or whatever your moment is! Play along by reading other people’s blog posts too.
:: Instagram: If a photo is what you are sharing, upload it, use one of the fancy filters, add a caption and use the hashtag #everydaymoment
:: Facebook: Either share it on your wall with your family and friends, OR upload it to The Parenting Files wall. Super Easy!
:: Twitter: Share your photo, words or quotes with the hashtag #tpfmoments. Easy.
:: Tumbler: Add your moment on your Tumbler feed
So there you have it! The new and exciting Everyday Moment community, sharing and inspiration. You can also grab the button below to share the inspiration with others and remind others to capture the moment.
Starting on Monday 25th February, Everyday Moments link up will be here… and every other day too :) x
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