Family Life

keeping kids hydrated

cleansui water

The Melbourne summer seems to hit its peek late January and February. Here I was at the end of last year wondering when the heat was going to come, with little awareness that it would actually come with a vengeance. And it has!

Summer is here and there is no hiding it!

My little girl has a big thing about ‘cold water’. Strange in a way, because it is not just in summer but in fact, all year round. Everything has to be cold, especially water. Dare I leave the water jug on the bench for too long… “put it back in the fridge mummy“. I am forever getting told off about leaving the water jug on the bench.

I can’t complain really, because I know she actually has a love for water! A real love! And when the water is super cold… even better. I have never been one to give my children juice pops or juice boxes or other water substitutes. It has always been water with no fuss. Because it is during this crazy summer weather that the water, cold water, is going to be the best source of hydration for the kids. I have now in fact learnt to stock up on water bottles, fill them the night before so they are ready and COLD for the next days adventures. There is always fresh water on hand. Clean. Good for you. Amazing taste.

And the kids love their bottles. They love being in control and having the independence to rehydrate when they need too. It is also especially handy to know that this routine will carry into their creche and kinder class. I feel confident that the kids are going to continue drinking their fluids throughout the day when I am not there to hound them and ask “do you need some water?”

The heat wave has already begun and I think it is going to be sticking around for a little longer. So I have worked out how to monitor how much water my kids are having each day; the number of bottles. And I think it is going to be something I am going to slowly teach them to monitor themselves, especially the big girl. She is now old enough to measure her own water intact and be in control of refilling the bottle. I want to give her the autonomy to be responsible for certain things in her life. Hydration is definitely on the list.

Cleansui make it even easier for this to happen. She can take the jug out of the fridge herself and pour it herself. Ok, maybe there are a few spills and I much rather do it myself so I don’t have to wipe up the water all the time, but it tells me she is ready. It is clean, fresh, tasty and all-so-good water ready to drink in a second.

I am super excited to be working with Cleansui again this year. They have all your home water filtration devices, sorted. AND, to kick of the summer, they are offering a 20% discount off any jug, on-tap or under bench system PLUS a free Cheeki 600ml Stainless Steel Sports Drink bottle with all orders. Bonus!

All you have to do is enter this code at checkout :


Let’s get hydrated!

What are your handy tips for your family to stay well hydrated?  

Linking up with Essentially Jess

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  • Jodi Gibson

    We only have water in the house, apart from 100% juice which we are allowed one glass with breakfast. Where we live our tap water is great so we just fill a bottle to have in the fridge!

  • Chantel

    My son only has water at home – from the filter/cooler, as the cold taps up here run about the same as the hot taps :) I love those Cheekily bottles – we have a few and they are ace :)

    Hello from #teamIBOT