I love on-line shopping. It is my little obsessions since I had children. I guess I am one of those typically time poor mums who wants a good bargain. After much contemplation, a small purchase, now my purchases on-line are just endless. It is my little weakness! With packages getting regularly sent to my hubbies office, there are continuous “ohh… what is that?” from his curious team members.
I am forever buying something. Just to put it into perspective, this is what I have currently bought on-line (in no particular order):
– Children’s clothes.
– Hubby’s birthday present which was a watch! That was the best find!
– Kitchenware products! – Slight addiction… “yep I could do with that” are my continuous thoughts to the order
– Toys – Some other fabulous websites… more later!
– Books – sorry bookstores… i just can’t refuse the online prices.
– My daughter’s bedside table – my most recent purchase
With my credit card being hacked into to on two occasions, one can tell that I do it A LOT!.
So when I was told about a new and exciting on-line discount and coupon store, you can imagine my excitement. There is a reason to my madness. It is so convenient and a money saver! These two reasons is why I do so much on-line shopping. I don’t have to leave my house. I can buy things in my pyjamas, I can find deals exclusive to Australia, my house can be bedlam and I can still buy what I need, I can search around for the most super super special prices and find the latest discounts online without going far. And the best… I can beat the crowds and some of the most silly people attempting serving you at the store.
As a mum we are constantly trying to find the most efficient, easy, quick and affordable options for our kids and family. With so many items on our “to do” list, reducing this list seems to be the way to go. Time just seems to constantly get away. There is not enough time. We wish we had more.
So you are probably now wanting to know the name of this new money saver online store? Ok, I’ll let you in on the secret…. Coupon Codes. And how cool is the name too!
Go on.. check it out. Sign up to their free newsletter to get the glory benefits of what is on offer and get in on the party! My online shopping party…
Warning: once you start… you may not be able to stop. I take no responsibility for hacked into credit cards, over spending, or questions from your other half about what little purchases you have found.
Do you do much online shopping? What are your fabulous finds and purchases?
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Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post by Coupon Codes
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