There is nothing like a good yummy, nutritious cookie that is also sugar free. These muesli cookies are so so easy to make. They literally take 2 minutes.
I used my thermomix to make these, but you could use a food processor just as easily. The other brilliant thing about these cookies is you don’t really have to worry and quantities – it is just a ‘put it all in’ kind of recipe.
To make it even more simple, you could also just use ordinary breakfast muesli instead of mixing oats, fruit and other ingredients.
You will need:
2 cups oats or preprepared muesli
1 cup rice puffs
1 cup mix of sultanas, craisins, gogi berries or other dried fruit you have.
2 heaped teaspoons of chia seeds
1/2 cup linseeds or sunflower seeds (optional)
1/2 cup melted butter
1/2 cup rice malt syrup
If you are using muesli that already has dries fruit, then just omit this from the recipe
Mix all ingredients together on speed 4 for 30 seconds.
Spoon heaped muesli onto a tray and bake for 15-20 minutes on 180 degrees, or when brown.
When the cookies come out of the oven, they will be quite soft. Transfer onto a cookie tray and wait to cool. They will become hard and crunchy.