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body image

    Family Life

    body image and eating disorder awareness week


    This week is The Butterfly Foundation’s annual Body Image & Eating Disorder Awareness Week (BIEDAW). The aim, put simply is to raise awareness about the seriousness of Eating Disorders

    So today, this week, maybe even for the next few, I want to raise your awareness.

    Some of you may be aware

    Some of you may not

    Some of you may have experience with Eating Disorders in some way

    It’s happening younger

    More and more young girls and boys are wondering how they look, how concerned their friends will think how they look, the pimple, the blemish, their hair….

    Concerns are higher

    Influences and pressures are higher


    Here are some alarming statistics provided by The Butterfly Foundation and Eating Disorders Victoria:

    – Nationally, body image is the top ranking issue of concern for 15 – 19 year olds

    90% of 12 – 17 year olds females are on a diet of some type

    – Beyond Stereotypes, a 2005 study commissioned by Dove, surveyed 3,300 girls and women between the ages of 15 and 64 in 10 countries. They found that 90% of all women aged 15 to 64 worldwide want to change at least one aspect of their physical appearance, with body weight ranking the highest.

    – According to the National Eating Disorder Association, in the United States, eating disorders are more common than Alzheimer’s disease (5-10 million people have eating disorders compared to 4 million with Alzheimer’s disease).

    – Anorexia Nervosa is the third most common chronic illness for adolescent girls in Australia (after obesity and asthma).


    So today I ask you to think how you can raise awareness of positive body image for your child?


    Think about what role you play – you are the best role model for your children! Be a role model of healthy behaviours and attitudes toward food, weight and body image. Are you happy in yourself? And if not, how is this displayed to your children?

    Talk to your children about their self – image. Don’t shy away. Offer reassurance that body shape varies from individual to individual – no body is exactly the same!

    Educate them about media literacy and the images and photos they see in magazines and TV – photos are enhanced, modified, glorified. What you see is NOT real!

    For some more tips and tools and fabulous informative fact sheets, check out Eating Disorders VIctoria.  

    Nothing is too small! Every conversation matters!


    What does positive body image mean to you? 


    Im linking up with My Big Nutshell for I blog on Tuesdays who is hosting on behalf of Diary of a Stay At Home Mum :) 


    Tahlia xx



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