Family Life

when a mouse takes over the house…and my sanity


Have you ever experienced a situation where one (or maybe a few) little creatures have taken over your house, your life, your sanity? Well this has been me for the last week. One little mouse, then another, and now another.

It is interesting how what is seen as often quite cute, cuddle and furry in children’s books is now sending shivers up my spine when i think of it. You see, we have had a mouse in the house. Not one, not two, but three. My husband was very proud of himself this morning when he came back into the bedroom with a big grin on his face to say “I caught a mouse”.

He never actually told me his suspicions due to the test cheese left out the night before that had miraculously disappeared the next morning. “I didn’t want to worry you”, he said.

I have been a nut case. Going a little insane! A little anxious! And just a little fed up! How can one little mouse have such an effect?

When you see a little mouse run across the living room floor and then wait and hide behind the book shelf, believe me the fist thing that came into mind was sourcing a bb gun or something similar.

Have you ever gone a little crazy over something that you just didn’t expect? It is the unexpected that often tips us over the edge. That little extra worry, hassle, and in my case smell and clean up. Getting down on my hands and knees to clean the pantry that had been damaged through and was left with a awful awful stench, believe me is not fun!

It is that little extra item you have to put on the shopping list to source and purchase in order to catch the damn thing. And not just from the supermarket, the hardware store as they have the special special fast and furious traps.

It is just something you don’t want to be worrying about with a nearly 2-year-old and being 30 weeks pregnant.

But that is the thing about life, parenthood and everything in between. Sometimes it is the little things like a mouse that make us go a little crazy for us to then realise and say “If that is all we have to worry about we are doing pretty good!”

Still going a little in sane though.

What has tipped you “over the edge” lately?

Do rodents make you go a little crazy like they do for me?

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Linking up with Diary of a SAHM for Tuesday blogging x


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  • AI Sakura

    Yes they do!!! If they were small cute ones in the pet stores or hamsters it’s ok.. but I’m not too sure about rats with long tails. *screaaams* Getting a lil tipped over at work nowadays.. but hopefully I’ll get it solved soon.

    • Tahlia

      Hamsters are a little different I think. I think I could handle them.

      Deb, I love the geckos. We always see them when we go up north to queensland on holidays. Spiders… can’t handle them!

  • Deb @ Home life simplified

    OMG i can’t stand mice and rats – i still get freaked out seeing them in the pet shops – to me they are dirty (thanks to growing up in NYC) so I cannot get my head around holding one and petting it even if it is clean.

    we have not had a mouse ever but we get geckos, spiders and an odd roach – the little geckos are the only ones i can handle – my husband is a catch and release guy so i leave him in charge (i am usually screaming kill it when there is a big spider or a Christmas beetle)

  • Becky from

    Argh! YES! When we moved in here there were two mice and they were sneaky. They would clean the trap of it’s food and not get caught. I was a wreak. Thankfully, James finally tricked them and we’ve been rodent free since, but it’s crazy that something so small can make you so mental!

    • Tahlia

      they are so clever aren’t they! We had that happen on a few occasions… they must know.

  • Misha – TheBlingBuoy

    I hate mice! The kids want pet mice and I really can’t do it. We haven’t had feral mice in this house but in our last house we lived on the edge of bushland and used to have snakes, bush-rats, big bugs… I always had to call my sister (who is MUCH braver than I am) to sort it out!

    • Tahlia

      I actually had pet mice as a kid. They were cute! But don’t think they will be on the pet list for my kids!

  • Jess

    Get a cat! We never have a problem with mice except for when th cat occassionally brings one inside, but they won’t run anywhere!
    I’ll never forget the time my son came out of his room with half a mouse but he tail and said ‘look what tiger brought me!’
    Ok, so maybe don’t get a cat….

    • Tahlia

      ok that is a little gross! We were actually thinking of borrowing a friends cat for a few days. Our dog is useless!

  • Fiona

    It is totally fine to go insane over mice. I lived in rural South Australia a few years ago in the midst of a small mouse invasion (not plague proportions I was told!).
    They ate the wiring out of my dishwasher, ate a hole in my bathroom roof and left their toilet deposits everywhere. I was forever manically cleaning, vacuuming, sweeping, disinfecting and I had two small children. One was a baby and one was a toddler. It sent me nuts.
    So you have every right to go insane over them. They smell disgusting. I am not scared of them and I hated killing them, but it is like a spider….I am fine if they are not in my house!

  • Fiona @ My Mummy Daze

    We’ve had a few periods now where mice have plagued our house. It’s usually after a rainy period. Hubby found some highly effective moustraps from Bunnings (of course) and takes great pleasure in checking them each morning. Me? I like checking the chooks for eggs. Him? Likes checking the traps for dead mice!

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