When I became pregnant for the first time and the news began to spread that I was indeed pregnant, people, friends, family and just about anyone really began to share their wisdom, knowledge and best products to buy information. I nodded, said thank you and acknowledged everyone’s kind and thoughtful suggestions, not really showing that the information was kind of going in through one ear and out the other.
And then I remember clearly going to the chemist on a number of occasions, anticipating the arrival of my baby, wanting to stock up on some essentials. Bath oil; bath soaps; massage oil. I heard about the wonders and benefits of baby massage and knew I had to try it with my bubba. But what I was shocked to learn and observe was the amount of options available. I mean seriously, the options are just endless these days. And those early fussy days filled with pregnancy hormones, exacerbated emotions, swollen ankles and tired eyes does not make the process of deciding what product to buy any easier. I think for the sake of my sanity and reduction of time spent standing in the aisle, I picked up about half a dozen products.
It wasn’t until my little girl started to teeth that I then began to ask other mumma’s what should I do. I heard of products to give, ice packs, teething sticks, and even frozen face washers to be chewed on. I tried many different things. Many. But it was one Mumma friend that told me to try Brauer’s teething relief. With not much to lose and hopefully more to gain, I did. And soon after, she began to be less irritable, less fussy and less clingy. This product had magic powers.
And then somewhere in my journey of motherhood, the whole topic of ‘nasty chemicals’ began to be a little bit more of that topic that everyone was talking about. What products had ‘nasties’ and what products didn’t. What to stay away from, what to try, what not to try, what works and what doesn’t. I was certainly feeling a little bit more confused and overwhelmed.
The thing that I have learnt over the last few years of being in this mothering role; so many products do actually contain chemicals – chemicals that are totally not necessary for little bubba’s and little people. I am certainly no ‘all-natural-all-chemical-free’ kind of Mumma, but when I can limit the intake and absorption and exposure, I like to think I can. Especially when it can be as simple as picking one product over another.
So now, I just stick with one product. We as a family stick with one product, one brand that we know comes from a good, honest and pure place. And not just for babies either! We kind of don’t use anything else. Recently the kids had a little cough and cold, I gave them Brauer’s. All natural cough medicine that is specifically put together by naturopaths. You know it is going to have no nasties.
The thing that every new Mumma has to know is that everyone will recommend something different as everyone will use something different. I know not everything works for everyone. Some people swear by one nappy rash cream, while others swear by another. Every little bottom is different.My tip; just go with your gut instinct and what feels right by you and your bubba. At the end of the day, you have to try a product for you to make your own judgement and feel for it. All the words, reviews and little words of wisdom won’t do anything until you try it (maybe a little something).
So I am giving you the opportunity to try these amazing products for yourself, for you to make your own judgement and feel. I just know you will love Brauer as much as I do, and come back and tell me ‘Tahlia, you were right.” I have an amazing gift pack worth $250 to giveaway.
This wonderful gift hamper contains
– A selection of baby & child products
– A detox product
– A selection of Paw Paw products
– A full range of Brauer Naturals baby range
This is a serious awesome prize pack.
All you have to do is leave me a comment telling me what was the best piece of advice one of your Mumma friends told you? And fill out the form below for extra entry opportunities too. This competition is open until 14th June 2013.
Please do share the love with a little visit to the Brauer website. They have been so generous with this giveaway and I want to send a big thankyou to them.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
**Please note. This giveaway is open to Australian residents only. Winners will be contacted via email and have 3 days to contact me back before another winner is drawn. I was gifted to try some extra Brauer products and all opinions are my own and the of my children’s bottoms and skin.
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