The school holidays are starting next week for us and somehow they have creeped up on me, again.
This year, I learnt to plan school holidays well ahead of time. Too many times I got caught out with wanting to make arrangements with friends, play dates etc to be then told time and time again, “we already have plans.” So, playdates are already in order. Now for those other days, we definitely need a few extra activities up our sleeve. However, not everyday, as I personally don’t like to bombard my kids with too many activities as I often find they need the down-time of doing nothing. And so do I for that matter. But here are my top favourite school holiday activities for Melbourne peeps:
Winter Night Sky Delights at Melbourne Observatory
Something a little different for everyone, especially if the kids are learning about space at school. Explore the stars and planets of the southern sky, and during winter one of the show-pieces of the night sky, Saturn, will be a highlight.
Cost: Full $22, child/concession/Royal Botantic Gardens friends’ member $18, family of four $65
Ages: 8+
Thinking of planing some veges? Well, how about building a scarecrow to keep all those nasty birds away…Run by Pop Up Patch at Fed Square every Sunday, these workshops provide frame, twine, straw and other necessary scarecrow material. Make sure you bring your old clothes – flippy, floppy hat recommended. Bookings essential (last time I looked, places were filling up fast. Get in quick for this one!)
Cost: $10
Ages: any age
Do your kids love music? This is the activity for them! Run by the Arts Centre Melbourne, kids get to be the rockstar and director in this fun and easy music video workshop. For two and a half hours, they will create a song using lots of cool music samples and then use the track to make a great music video.
Cost: $22
Ages: 8-12
Heide museum is one of those beautiful enchanting places filled with art, design and adventure. Every young kid loves a little treasure hunt, right? These school holidays, Heide has amazing challenges for any young detective, including the Sculpture Detective, Visual Treasure Hunt Detective and Architecture Detective. With a map in hand, who knows what they will find…
Cost: FREE
Ages: 3 +
Most libraries will have loads of activities throughout the school holidays, including baby rhyme time, story time, or other fun filled activities. The State Library of Victoria offer a beautiful interactive session of stories, songs and rhymes. I think Library’s are making a come-back (or they already may have), so don’t forget to check out your local library’s school holiday program.
Cost: FREE
Ages: newborn to 2 years
Lego is taking over Watergardens Town Centre these school holidays, with fun filled LEGO activities, displays and Speed Play. This is certainly an activity for any LEGO lover.
Cost: FREE
Ages: 2 years +
Kids can learn about the life of lizards, frogs, and snakes with the possibility of even holding a snake. There is something about kids and retile shows, they just love it. And while you are at GardenWorld in Braeside, check out all the amazing plants. Maybe even pick something up to plant at home for another day….
Cost: FREE
Ages: any age
Another fabulous exhibition put on by the NGV. For sword and warrior lovers, young and old, this exhibition explores the world of the samurai who were warriors and aristocrats of Japan for more than 800 years. See paintings, objects, swords, attire, costumes and more at this in depth educational exhibition.
Cost: FREE
Ages: 8 +
I think this will cover it for the moment.
Are you a school holiday planner? What have you planned?
Linking up with Essentially Jess