Family Life

starting daycare


My Little E is starting daycare in the next week. Two days a week. Confession = I am really excited! I am excited for some extra free time (to myself), a moment to do the shopping without having to worry about a tantrum in the supermarket…. ohh the simple things…

But I am also excited for her – to meet new kids, learn new skills, create, explore, imagine. It is a time for her to build her confidence, resilience and ability to manage time away from mummy as well.

But with the excitement, deep down there is a little sadness (no doubt I am going to shed a tear the first day I drop her off).

She is growing up. She is no longer this little baby. She is becoming a little girl.

No sooner will I be begging for that kiss goodbye and that hug goodbye. Before I know it she will be running into the door of her daycare.

That is a good thing right? Well yes, no, yes…

So often I hear of other mums who want to keep their children close by them as long as they can. The thought of school is scary enough. Even though their child is only two. The guilt for many is excruciating. The guilt of sending your child to daycare, sending them into the care of someone else.

Guilt becomes a second emotion we feel along side everything else. Second nature to a large degree.

But I know we need to let it go. Well try to anyway. And know that the benefits are just surmountable. But managing your anxiety and guilt is another thing. Good olde cliche “easier said then done”.

So here is my survival list for surviving first day care (and maybe the first week and a few after that too)..

1.Demand that kiss and cuddle before saying goodbye. I will make sure that I get it! Even if I have to stand in the middle of the room, I will get it damn it

2. The cry in the car.. let it happen if it happens. All part of the cleansing process. All part of the letting go. All part of the grief. And know that it is okay to feel it and experience it!

3. First stop is coffee! Or maybe call the husband… not quite sure which one is more important yet.

4. Seek out emotional support during the day if needed. Work colleagues, friends, partner… know who you can lean on during the day if needed…

5. Ohh… and try not to call 10 times during the day to check up…but if i have to, that is okay too!

My little E has always been a creature of routine (or me… either or), so establishing a routine to prepare her for the coming week has not been a huge shift. However, her sleep times during the day now coincide with the sleep time at day care. But establishing a daily routine is important for your little one to know what is expected and how the day will unfold

  • eating breakfast
  • brushing teeth
  • getting changed
  • packing bag

The journey is soon beginning and I know it is now even more of a reminder to cherish the small little moments and each stage of my little daughter’s life. All these little moments will just come and go if I don’t take a step back and cherish them.


What tips do you have for starting day care or kindergarten? What are your survival tips?

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