
when we all feel a little lonely

keep it real

Someone was very brave to talk and be open about how tough of a time she was having the other night. Although one of the most beautiful, emotional and joyful experiences, yet at the same time, the most challenging, stressful, confusing and sometimes isolating experiences.

Now some of you may know exactly what I am referring to. And if so, that tells me that maybe you too have felt something similar. But too often then not I hear how other people, other individuals, couples and maybe even families experience this emotional rollercoaster.

Loneliness…we have all experienced those times when we would have liked to be invited, be included in or be treated a little special by someone. Feel like the world does not rely solely on us, or that you are the emotional boxing bag for everyone else. How often have we felt alone in not being heard or listened to?

While everyone is out having dinner, having a few drinks, being social or enjoying a celebration, many of us are stuck with other responsibilities, obligations, or simply too tired. We read about the events unfolding on Facebook and see the uploaded photos the next day, or maybe we hear about that dinner a week later which we never got invited to.

“We just thought you would not be able to come…” seems to be a response so many of us have heard one to many times.

But who can not forget about feelings of loneliness even when surrounded by constant love and attention. There is being heard and listened to and there is being heard. “I feel like I am talking to a wall”….

So isn’t loneliness something we have all felt in different moments and different times? Being ignored, not being included and feeling a disconnection from the friends you once thought were friends. Or for some it may be loneliness in our home, in our household, in our marriage or relationship – feeling like the world relies on you, your there to save everyone but no one is saving you.

You are not alone. Yet feel so alone.

“Tied to the couch”, a girlfriend said the other day, a “caged bird”, “in prison”, or “stuck inside” are just a few of the terms I have heard lately. But I don’t want to narrow it down to mums! What about those people who have moved states, or even further. Or those that are now single while all there other friends are now in relationships, engaged or married. We have all felt alone.

So in these times when we have all felt like crawling into a ball and no one is there, how do we cope? How do we get out of the pain, misery and feelings of hopelessness at the time?

We all need friends, we need support and we need to be acknowledged and heard. Nothing is too much! We all need a tool box of special pick-me-up items, whether friends, partners, music, your favourite Friends episode, or simply the one person you can call to say “hey, I ‘m not feeling so good!”

So why is it so hard to be real with others? Or is it being real to ourselves?

Or does the fear of loneliness haunt us all?

Yes I know these are big questions, questions and truths that I for one struggle to acknowledge. But how often I know that once I talk, communicate and begin to work through the pain, the mist slowly subsides. Maybe not for everyone, but I have to be real with myself.

Loneliness is not a weakness. Loneliness is real. Let’s talk about it.


tahlia xx


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  • Sif

    Great post! Yes, I think this is a very common expeeience. It is also – unfortunately – a feeling that, at the time a person is feeling it, causes the sufferer to also feel itterly alone in feeling that feeling even if they can mentally rationalise that it is something everyone experiences. I'm lucky in that I have three people I can lay it all out for, who have the sensitivity to not simply fob me off and say it's all my imagination and something I just need to get over. I know if I talk to my husband or call my mum or best friend, each one of them will hear me out and then make me laugh about something, which will lift my spirits. Just knowing that helps…

    • tahlia

      thanks for sharing Sif. This was a little bit of a tougher post for me to write but also I think for people to comment on.

      Unfortunately I think it is more of a problem then most of us know about – something so many go through.

      To be able to have three people you can go to in your times of need is amazing! Especially ones that truly listen!

      Laughter is always good too!


  • Cherie @ a baby call

    Hi tahlia,

    What a beautiful post, and SO TRUE!

    It's a shame so many of the mum's I know don't ever seem to discuss emotions like these. But then again, I actually hesitated to hit publish when I put my words to my recent blog post – because I was worried people would think, listen to this moaning Mum.

    You're absolutely right though, loneliness is not a weakness.

    And my gosh does the mist clear when you actually talk about it.

    I'm so sick of missing those dinner invites because people assume it would have been too hard for me to get there, more often than not, it actually isn't too hard to arrange for my husband to stay home, or if we both want to go, our son's grandparents to mind him while we go out.

    Thanks for continuing to keep it real with some of the beautiful posts you've been publishing lately!

    Looking forward to meeting at pro blogger! :)

    Cherie x

    • tahlia

      thank you cherie for starting this conversation. When I read your post I just wanted to hug you through cyber space and say you are not alone!

      If only we could all talk and share like you did I think some of our challenges and problems may not be so great. Emotions are real and ok! Loneliness is an emotion, a feeling and something that is so normal!

      Sometimes we all just want an invitation and to be thought of, even if we can't make it on that occasion.

      Looking forward to also meeting you at problogger


  • Jodi Gibson @ The Sc

    What a beautiful and haunting post, so, so true. We have all experienced loneliness at one time or another, and some more than others. I know I have had these feelings. When I first became a Mother the feeling at times was overwhelming.

    It is good to talk about it and share. It may only be passing but during the time it is one of the worst things you can go through.

    Exclusion and the feeling of being left out is also a hard one to take. I have recently gone through this. Miss 5 started school this year and most of the kinder mums I used to hang with have boys. This has never been an issue until school. I have felt lost when they all head off to, Cricket, Auskick or motorbike riding or the boys' birthday parties.

    Miss 5 has her own school 'girl' friends which is fantastic, but it is like starting school all over myself, again having to force myself to mix and mingle and try and break into the 'cliche' of mothers of the girls.

    It has been really tough and has made me quite sad and lonely lately.

    Thanks for this post and for encouraging us to share xx

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